We all know you just read the picture in Joey’s voice, don’t be ashamed 😉haha
You are not going to believe this!!! On July 18, 2022 the IRS posted a Tax Tip so that taxpayers can stay “in the know” with their new social media platforms and by subscribing to the e-News. They also offer this information in different languages. By staying connected with the IRS throughout the year, you will receive the latest updates on tax changes, scam alerts and many other important tips! Check out the link https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/taxpayers-can-stay-in-the-know-by-following-irs-social-media-and-subscribing-to-e-news
We want you to feel comfortable during tax time and these different media outlets can help! Give us a call at 606-585-0131. We are here to help you!!
The Darlings